Public Design

The public space deserves a gentle and sensitive treatment like listening and responding to the requirements. Public Design for functional areas and urban furniture, tailored to the particular needs at the particular place, with recognizable value and high aesthetic quality.

IONDESIGN Trinkbrunnen Fotomontage Hafen Flasche fuellen

drinking fountain for everyone · 2023

Hamburg Wasser

IONDESIGN BetterBin litter bin close 1

Better Bin – Liter Basked for New York City · 2018

IONDESIGN Parkplatzmarkierung Compositing im Parkhaus 1

mobile marking for parking spaces · 2017

GSG Berlin

IONDESIGN Wall DIgitales Citiylightboard Foto bei Nacht

Digital City Light Board · 2012

Wall GmbH


Digital City Light Poster · 2010

Wall GmbH

Transformer Station · 2010


Public Transport Stop Montafon · 2011

IONDESIGN – In-house development

IONDESIGN WALL City Toilette Alexanderplatz Foto Eingang

Public toilet at Alexanderplatz · 2007

Wall GmbH

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